Writing a Short Story

So, in my nightly musings I came upon this very beautiful yet tragic idea for a short story. The title is Anne Fortunate–yeah, the word you’re thinking right now is exactly what it sounds like.

It’s about the story of a very accomplished artist, blogger, and author. Her name is Anne Fortunate. She lives the perfect life but every night when she’s alone in her apartment, she keeps asking herself if she’s truly living the life she wanted.

It revolves around her quest for finding herself amidst the fame and fortune.

I actually finished writing it for only three hours with the help of my excessive intake of coffee but hey, at least I was productive, right?

Anyway, I think I wrote it pretty well, especially the end. Not to brag or something, but I’m quite proud. I might publish it here one of these days and I hope you’d share your thoughts about it after you read my story.

(Oh, and by the way, I think Emma Stone perfectly fits Anne Fortunate’s character.)

So… that’s it for today. Bye!

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